12 Aug 2021
OTT advertising and how can your brand benefit from it
Digiora Technologies Pvt Ltd

No brownie points in guessing that OTT (over-the-top) content is getting popular. These content channels, such as YouTube, Netflix, Hotstar, to name a few, are giving television channels a run for their money. And many broadcasting channels have already considered OTT as the next significant step in the evolution of television programming. And advertising on OTT is a different ball game altogether and we are delving right into the crux of it.
The Benefits of OTT:
Engaged and Empowered Audience
What makes OTT work are two things
- On-demand programs
- And a young, engaged, and wealthier audience.
A recent study showed that there has been a drop of 40 percent in content consumed through cable TV in the past five years by 18 to 24-year-olds. They are probably busy with Netflix and chilling!
The best part of advertising to an OTT audience is that 98 percent of them watch the entire ad. Another notable point is that the ads are much shorter and crisp than before. Or, through OTT devices, you can successfully deliver your company’s message to an ‘eager’ audience.
Concentrated campaigns; Apparent Results.
What traditional media lacked, OTT advertising more than makes up for. The focal point being consumption metrics
Who watched my ad and at what times?
Did they skip channels or watch the whole thing?
Can your brand target a particular age group for a particular event?
With the help of micro-targeting metrics and transparent ROI. OTT gives the reign of control to the consumers as they can choose their ‘media diet’, including commercials. And gives rise to a higher sense of engagement by the consumer.
Easier transition from traditional television to OTT advertising
More than once, we come across brands that are cautious of embracing digital advertising. OTT advertising suits their media appetite better. Because, as mentioned earlier, the media diet (program formatting, expected commercial breaks, etc) is much the same as in traditional television media. Your brand only stands to gain the advertising benefits of highly engaging and data-oriented online advertising.
Contact Digiora Advertising
Get maximum benefit from the rise of OTT media, with the help of the Digiora Advertising wing. We are happy to provide a free marketing analysis of your business at your behest. Our wide range of experience across a diverse range of verticals can surely give your business the boost it needs.